Template tutorial for the brightwind library

# This cell prints today's date for reference. This comment can be deleted.
import datetime
print('Last updated: {}'.format(datetime.date.today().strftime('%d %B, %Y')))
Last updated: 25 June, 2019

Outline: Two ## for this heading. Sphinx seems to account for the hash changes and not the number of them

First copy this tutorial before making changes to it.

Rename your Notebook bearing in mind that this file name is used as the url. Use lower case and _ between words.

Outline the main purpose of this tutorial. If you want you can include the steps in an ordered list below:

  1. This is an ordered list

  2. You can keep using ‘1.’ and it will automatically count

  3. 3rd one

Three *** can show a horizontal line as below. We can use this to split between sections. ***

Step 1: Three ### to be used for a section heading

Some test to explain something.

  • This can be a bullet

  • Or this

Sphinx does not recognise the html break tag, br, so to create space around images we can use a div tag and insert some css directly into it.

<div style='margin-top: 3em; margin-bottom: 3em;'>


  • The below is a code block shown in markdown is rendered in a box by Sphinx:

> git clone https://github.com/brightwind-dev/brightwind.git

We can end each section with the horizontal line

Step 2: Using the brightwind library in Jupyter notebooks

Usage of the brightwind library can be shown in normal code blocks.

import brightwind as bw

data = bw.load_csv(bw.datasets.demo_data)

# Use .head(5) to show a table otherwise the table will take up too much space.
Spd80mN Spd80mS Spd60mN Spd60mS Spd40mN Spd40mS Spd80mNStd Spd80mSStd Spd60mNStd Spd60mSStd ... Dir78mSStd Dir58mS Dir58mSStd Dir38mS Dir38mSStd T2m RH2m P2m PrcpTot BattMin
2016-01-09 15:30:00 8.370 7.911 8.160 7.849 7.857 7.626 1.240 1.075 1.060 0.947 ... 6.100 110.1 6.009 112.2 5.724 0.711 100.0 935.0 0.0 12.94
2016-01-09 15:40:00 8.250 7.961 8.100 7.884 7.952 7.840 0.897 0.875 0.900 0.855 ... 5.114 110.9 4.702 109.8 5.628 0.630 100.0 935.0 0.0 12.95
2016-01-09 17:00:00 7.652 7.545 7.671 7.551 7.531 7.457 0.756 0.703 0.797 0.749 ... 4.172 113.1 3.447 111.8 4.016 1.126 100.0 934.0 0.0 12.75
2016-01-09 17:10:00 7.382 7.325 6.818 6.689 6.252 6.174 0.844 0.810 0.897 0.875 ... 4.680 118.8 5.107 115.6 5.189 0.954 100.0 934.0 0.0 12.71
2016-01-09 17:20:00 7.977 7.791 8.110 7.915 8.140 7.974 0.556 0.528 0.562 0.524 ... 3.123 115.9 2.960 113.6 3.540 0.863 100.0 934.0 0.0 12.69

5 rows × 29 columns

The below cell contains the link to this tutorial so someone can download it and run it for themselves. Simply replace the file name at the end with your tutorial name.

This tutorial can be downloaded as a Jupyter Notebook from the following link: https://github.com/brightwind-dev/brightwind/tree/master/docs/source/tutorials/template_tutorial.ipynb