API reference¶
Load timeseries data from a csv file, or group of files in a folder, into a DataFrame. |
Load timeseries data from Campbell Scientific CR1000 formatted file, or group of files in a folder, into a DataFrame. |
Load timeseries data from an Excel file, or group of files in a folder, into a DataFrame. |
Load a Windographer .txt data file exported fom the Windographer software into a DataFrame. |
Load a cleaning file which contains a list of sensor names with corresponding periods of flagged data. |
Apply cleaning to a DataFrame using predetermined flagged periods for each sensor listed in a cleaning file. |
Apply cleaning to a DataFrame using the Windographer flagging log file after Windographer was used to clean and filter the data. |
Returns the start and end timestamps of missing data periods. |
Gives basic statistical measures of the data, the DataFrame returned includes the following columns |
Get the data coverage over the period specified. |
Accepts ref and target data and returns the coverage of concurrent data. |
Plots means for calendar months in a timeseries plot. |
Calculates and returns long term reference speed. |
Calculates the wind speed ratio of two wind speed time series and plots this ratio, averaged by direction sector, in a polar plot using a wind direction time series. |
Calculates the distribution of a variable against itself as per the bins specified. |
Calculates the distribution of a variable against two other variables, on an X-Y plane, returning a heat map. |
Accepts a wind speed time series and computes it’s frequency distribution. |
Derive the distribution of a time series variable with respect to wind direction sectors. |
Accepts a variable series and returns a plot of 12x24 (12 months x 24 hours) for the ‘mean’ of the variable with the table of data as an optional return. |
Same as dist_of_wind_speed(). |
Accepts a variable series and direction series and computes a frequency table of percentages. |
Calculates air density for a given temperature and pressure and extrapolates that to the site if both reference and site elevations are given. |
Plot a timeseries of data. |
Plots a scatter plot of two variable’s timeseries. |
Plots a scatter plot of two wind speed timeseries and adds a reference line from 0,0 to 40,40. |
Plots a scatter plot of two wind direction timeseries and adds a line from 0,0 to 360,360. |
Color palette to be used for plotting graphs and tables. |
Calculates alpha, using the power law, or the roughness coefficient, using the log law, for each timestamp |
Calculates alpha, using the power law, or the roughness coefficient, using the log law, for a wind series binned by time of the day and (optionally by) month, depending on the user’s inputs. |
Calculates alpha, using the power law, or the roughness coefficient, using the log law, based on the |
Calculates alpha, using the power law, or the roughness coefficient, using the log law, for a wind series binned by direction. |
Accepts two DataFrames with timestamps as indexes and averaging period. |
Accepts two series with timestamps as indexes and averaging period. |
Averages the data by the time period specified by period. |
Adjust a wind speed that already has a slope and offset applied with a new slope and offset. |
Scales wind speed by the scale_factor |
Add/ subtract offset from wind direction. |
Offset timestamps by a certain time period |
Export a DataFrame, Series or Array to a .csv file or a .tab. |
Export a WaSP tab file using the output from the freq_table() function. |
Example datasets that can be used with the library. |