Getting beta versions of the brightwind library

import datetime
print('Last updated: {}'.format('%d %B, %Y')))
Last updated: 24 June, 2019


This guide will lead you through all the steps required to get the latest beta versions of the library before they are released on PyPI. This tutorial assummes a decent level of knowledge regarding Git, Python, Anaconda (if on Windows) and Jupyter notebooks. Once setup the library can easily be updated at any time to include the latest additions and updates. These steps will include:

  1. Cloning the brightwind library

  2. Installing

  3. Using the brightwind library in Jupyter notebooks

Step 1: Cloning the brightwind library

This assumes that you have pip and git installed already.

  • If on Windows, open up the Anaconda Prompt command line utility. Otherwise open up a command line.

  • Navigate and/or create a folder where you keep all of your repositories.


> git clone



  • The library can of course be updated at anytime using git pull when you navigate to the brightwind directory.

> cd brightwind
> git pull


Step 2: Installing

  • Open up the Anaconda Prompit in Administrator mode by right clicking (in Windows) the Anaconda Prompt icon and ‘Run as Administrator’.


  • Navigate to the brightwind folder and with pip, the library can be installed using:

    > pip install -e .

    * Don’t forget the dot at the end.

If the brightwind library was installed previously this will automatically uninstall it before the new one is installed.


Step 3: Using the brightwind library in Jupyter notebooks

The brightwind library can now be used in a Jupyter Notebook as if it was installed using pip install brightwind.

import brightwind as bw

data = bw.load_csv(bw.datasets.demo_data)
Spd80mN Spd80mS Spd60mN Spd60mS Spd40mN Spd40mS Spd80mNStd Spd80mSStd Spd60mNStd Spd60mSStd ... Dir78mSStd Dir58mS Dir58mSStd Dir38mS Dir38mSStd T2m RH2m P2m PrcpTot BattMin
2016-01-09 15:30:00 8.370 7.911 8.160 7.849 7.857 7.626 1.240 1.075 1.060 0.947 ... 6.100 110.1 6.009 112.2 5.724 0.711 100.0 935.0 0.0 12.94
2016-01-09 15:40:00 8.250 7.961 8.100 7.884 7.952 7.840 0.897 0.875 0.900 0.855 ... 5.114 110.9 4.702 109.8 5.628 0.630 100.0 935.0 0.0 12.95
2016-01-09 17:00:00 7.652 7.545 7.671 7.551 7.531 7.457 0.756 0.703 0.797 0.749 ... 4.172 113.1 3.447 111.8 4.016 1.126 100.0 934.0 0.0 12.75
2016-01-09 17:10:00 7.382 7.325 6.818 6.689 6.252 6.174 0.844 0.810 0.897 0.875 ... 4.680 118.8 5.107 115.6 5.189 0.954 100.0 934.0 0.0 12.71
2016-01-09 17:20:00 7.977 7.791 8.110 7.915 8.140 7.974 0.556 0.528 0.562 0.524 ... 3.123 115.9 2.960 113.6 3.540 0.863 100.0 934.0 0.0 12.69

5 rows × 29 columns

This tutorial can be downloaded as a Jupyter Notebook from the following link: